Veterans Plaza fundraising is kicking into high gear!

The OBCDC fund raising campaign for Veterans Plaza is now in high gear. Hundreds of letters and emails have been sent out to various organizations, foundations, and the defense contractors in San Diego.

A video about the new Veterans Plaza will be uploaded within a couple of weeks to our website and to a crowd-sourcing internet site.

Make sure to sign up for our newsletter on our homepage or "Like" the OBCDC Facebook page for more updates.

Here's a link to our Facebook Page.

Numerous fundraising events are in the planning stages. Most of the San Diego veterans organizations have been contacted and are aware of our project and in full support.

The TV station KUSI recently did a segment on our fundraising activity at the site of the old plaza.

Applications for names to be put on the new plaza granite wall are coming in daily as well as donations. For more information our monthly meetings are the second Thursday at 7 PM at the Ocean Beach Rec center. We hope that you will become part of this terrific project to build a new Veterans Plaza.